Friday, March 14, 2008

Politics in Words

Politics today avoid "words" that have dual meaning. However, in Decision 2008, there are words that are avoided: race, gender...however, these words, rather than help, actually hinder the process. Words need to be pronounced and then exploained. Race is evident in this election when 90% of African-Americans vote for the black candidate or a large % of women vote for the female candidate. Let's be frank and not avoid the obvious. Words can be used (if explained) to support that which breaks into racial and gender camps.


Sharolette said...

Bravo, bravo, well said!

Marj's Blog said...

Right, I'm in favor of a white, 60ish, grandmotherly type who teaches English, as the next queen of the United States. Roast Beef and mashed potatoes in every pot--that is MY platform.

rabber said...

I say lets kill two birds(words) with one stone and vote for Condoleeza Rice for president!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that Obama is considered "black" when he's half-white. When might people consider him "white" -- at one-quarter black? one-eighth black? one-sixteenth black? Or, let's look at it another way -- three-quarters white? seven-eighths white? fifteen-sixteenths white? I would have hoped we could move beyond the "one drop rule" by now ...